Physical Education

Key Stage 3

Students undertake a broad and balanced curriculum covering a range of different activity areas including Athletics, badminton, cricket, fitness, football, gymnastics, handball, hockey, multi skills, netball, rugby, rounders. and tennis.

The aims of the Physical Education department are to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. It also develops in students, both as individuals and in groups or teams, confidence and generic skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation. These, together with the nurturing of positive values and attitudes in PE, are foundations for students’ lifelong and life-wide learning and continued participation in physical activity.

Key Stage 4

All students in Key stage four undertake Physical Education lessons as part of the curriculum.

It is essential that pupils have opportunities to participate in regular and frequent physical activities and that they are encouraged to make informed and responsible choices about the role of physical activity in their lives both in and out of school. Physical Education is an Area of Learning within the National Curriculum and is a statutory entitlement of every pupil in Stage 4.

At Key Stage 4, Physical Education is much more than a replication of the knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils have gained at Key Stage 3. Pupils should take increasing responsibility for their own learning and actively demonstrate the skills and capabilities that they will have acquired in order to deepen and widen their experiences and understanding,  students are given the opportunity to experience different roles within physical activity such as officials and coaches . Students  may also opt to study GCSE Physical Education.

Why study GCSE Physical Education?

  • The course lays the foundation for further study in sports science at A level
  • GCSE Physical Education equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to develop their own performance in sport.
  • Students develop their understanding of sports science focussing on anatomy, exercise physiology and training as well as  sports psychology.
  • They also investigate  socio-cultural influences on participation in sport and the benefits of physical activity to health, fitness and well-being

What will it be like?

  • You will build upon your existing skills, knowledge and practical experience gained at Key stage 3
  • The four areas of theory are :
  1. Physical factors affecting performance – Anatomy, fitness, training and biomechanics
  2. Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology
  3. Performance in three sports
  4. Written coursework analysing performance in one sport


  • Students are entered for GCSE with the AQA examinations board.
  • The GCSE course is assessed through written examinations focussing on the theoretical components worth 60% of the overall mark
  • Non examined assessment worth 40% involves assessment of performance in three sports and written course work analysing performance in one activity

Key Stage 5

  • Students study A level with the AQA examination board. The course introduces students to all aspects of sports science and forms the foundation for further studies in medical and sports sciences
  • Students will study – Anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, skill acquisition, sports psychology, socio – cultural and historical aspects of sport
  • Students are also assessed as a performer or coach in one sport. Course work requires students to complete an oral analysis of performance in their chosen sport

Key Stage 5 Course Information –  PE