
Key Stage 3

Throughout Geography at Key Stage 3 we aim to give students all of the opportunities necessary to allow them to become knowledgeable and active future citizens. Students who understand how their lives are linked to others and are both shaped by and impact on the environments they live in so that they are capable of making responsible choices for the future. We study a wide range of topics such as China, Coasts, Population and Rivers and Flooding. Throughout the topics at Key Stage 3 we are developing the skills that are necessary for GCSE.

Key Stage 4

Why study geography?

There has never been a better or more important time to study geography. With growing interest in issues such as climate change, migration, environmental degradation and social cohesion, geography is one of the most relevant courses you could choose to study. Geographers are also highly employable. Whatever your passion for the world – fascination with landscapes or concerns about inequality – geography will provide you with knowledge and transferable skills’

Dr Rita Gardner, Director of the RGS-IBG


Studying geography gives you the opportunity to travel the world via the classroom, learning about both the human and the physical environment.

What will it be like?

Over the two year GCSE course you will cover lots of interesting topics. The two main themes are:

  • Living with the physical environment- Discover more about the challenge of natural hazards and the living world, physical landscapes of the United Kingdom and human interaction with them.
  • Challenges in the human environment- Discover more about the challenges facing our ever expanding cities, how we need to plan for a sustainable future and the future of our global energy supplies.


Students are entered for GCSE with the AQA examinations board.

You’ll have three written exams. Papers 1 and 2 are 1 hour 30 minutes long and together, they contribute to 70% of your final mark. Paper 3 is 1 hour 15 minutes and contributes to the final 30% of your GCSE grade.

Key Stage 5

Geography at A-Level embraces contemporary Geography whilst retaining key elements of traditional Geography. Geography is examined by two exams, one on physical geography and the other on human geography. The third aspect of the course is individual investigation which must include data collected in the field.  More information about Geography at A-level can be found in the sixth form prospectus.

Key Stage 5 Course Information –  Geography